Social | February 21 #ArtistHotline Guest Chat: Cross-Sector Collaborations

Social | February 21 #ArtistHotline Guest Chat: Cross-Sector Collaborations

Artists, explore how to further engage with and broaden your audience during a special Twitter chat between 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST!

Education, the healthcare industry, tech, the private sector, and the arts are often thought of as separate realms, but they don’t need to be. These cross-sector collaborations can be a way for the individual artist to diversify income sources from their creative work, which is important for those who wish to monetize their art but who recognize that institutional funding may not be able to cover all of a project’s expenses or make up the entirety of an artist’s income, as was discussed during the January 21 #ArtistHotline Guest Chat on budgeting. Commissioned work is one avenue for financially supporting yourself as an artist.

Cross-Sector Collaborations Guest Chat

As part of the schedule for the February edition of #ArtistHotline, we’ll host a “Cross-Sector Collaborations″ Guest Chat from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST. The virtual Guest Chat panel brings an array of collaborative experience to the table: dark fantasy writer and fan engagement pro Ksenia Anske, poet and performer Denice Frohman, and illustrator and design evangelist Kyle T Webster.

We’ll explore questions like:

  • How does an individual artist find opportunities for collaboration that align with their values?
  • What are some steps that can ensure a fair contract and compensation for the artist?
  • What comes next? How can an artist capitalize off the exposure from a collaboration in order to build their audience? 
  • Can artists working in social practice utilize these opportunities to further their mission?

February 21 #ArtistHotline Schedule

The #ArtistHotline Guest Chat is just one portion of #ArtistHotline. Participate throughout the day and get your questions answered by using the hashtag #ArtistHotline in each tweet.

  • 11:00 AM EST: #ArtistHotline begins, starting with an Open Chat. During this time, ask any question about building a sustainable career in the arts.
  • 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST: Tweet questions for Anske, Frohman, and Webster during the “Cross-Sector Collaborations” Guest Chat.
  • 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST: Get tax advice from Elaine Grogan Luttrull of Minerva Financial Arts during the “Taxes for Artists” Arts Administrator Q&A.

Guest Chat Bios


Ksenia Anske was born in Moscow, Russia, and came to the U.S. in 1998. She is the author of dark fantasy short fiction and seven novels, and a 2015 Amtrak Residency Program Resident. Her novel Rosehead won Honorary Mention in the YA Category in the Indie Ebook Award 2016. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, and when she’s not reading, she’s scaring other writers into writing or terrifying unsuspecting readers into reading her nightmarish books. Anske seeks opportunities for collaboration and generosity and was ranked among the 100 Top Women in Seattle Tech in 2009. She has given away free digital copies of her books and collaborated with visual artists to create multi-media experiences for her readers, including QR codes for a book’s soundtrack, visual art, and personal notes to readers. Visit Anske’s website to learn more.

Find Anske tweeting @kseniaanske.


Denice Frohman is an award-winning poet, educator, and performer from New York City. She is a CantoMundo Fellow, former Women of the World Poetry Slam Champion, and National Association of Latino Arts & Cultures grant recipient. Her work has been commissioned by ESPN and Twitter; has appeared or is forthcoming in Winter Tangerine, Nepantla: An Anthology for Queer Poets of Color, Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism, Refinery29, and garnered over 7.5 million views online. She has been featured at over 200 colleges and universities; hundreds of high schools, non-profits, and cultural arts spaces; and performed at The White House in 2016. She has a Master’s in Education and is passionate about working with young people. Currently, she tours the country. Visit Frohman’s website to learn more about her poetry and her commissioned work.

Find Frohman tweeting @denicefrohman.


Kyle T Webster is an international award-winning illustrator, living in North Carolina, who has drawn for The New Yorker, TIME, NPR, The New York Times, Nike, IDEO, and many other distinguished editorial, advertising, publishing and institutional clients. His illustration work has been recognized by the Society of Illustrators, Communications Arts, and American Illustration. In 2009 and 2010, Kyle created two top 50 iPhone games. His first picture book, Please Say Please!, was published by Scholastic in 2016. He is known throughout the world as the founder of, the brand behind the world’s best-selling Photoshop brushes for professional illustrators, animators, and designers. In October of 2017, the KyleBrush brand was acquired by Adobe, and Kyle now works as a Design Evangelist for the Adobe Design team. He also currently teaches Life Drawing, Portraiture, and Digital Painting at the UNC School of the Arts. Visit Webster’s website to learn more.

Find Webster tweeting @kyletwebster.

Inspired by the NYFA Source Hotline, #ArtistHotline is an initiative dedicated to creating an ongoing online conversation around the professional side of artistic practice. #ArtistHotline occurs on the third Wednesday of each month on Twitter. Our goal is to help artists discover the resources needed, online and off, to develop sustainable careers.

This initiative is supported by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation.

Images, from top: Joyce Hwang (Fellow in Architecture/Environmental Structures/Design Fellow ‘13), Intensified Reflections; courtesy Ksenia Anske; courtesy Denice Frohman, photo by Rashid Zakat; courtesy Kyle T Webster

Amy Aronoff
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