Application Requirements



Applications are open to professional dancers in need who are experiencing a dire financial emergency due to their loss or lack of current/recent live performance work, because of circumstances outside of their control.

Applications must be in English (though they may be translated by someone other than the applicant) and can be completed by a proxy if needed.

All applications, including support materials, should be submitted online via Submittable. However, we understand that under certain conditions, it may be easier for an artist to submit a paper application or receive assistance with an online application. Please contact [email protected] or 212.366.6900 ext. 239 to request assistance or an accommodation.

To complete an application, you must first be able to answer “True” to these statements:

  • I am 21 years or older
  • I reside in the United States, the District of Columbia, a Tribal Nation, or a U.S. Territory
  • I have an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or lower for an individual, or $150,000 for joint filers, averaged over the last two federal tax returns
  • I am not enrolled in any degree-seeking program
  • I have not previously received a Rauschenberg Emergency Grant through NYFA
  • I can demonstrate recent and sustained activity as a paid dancer for a public audience since at least 2019

If you can answer “True” to all of these statements, you will then need to:

  • Provide your contact information
  • Complete a checklist to describe the economic severity of your emergency situation
  • Provide your annual income (averaged over the last two years)
  • Summarize your typical professional dance activity in the past, any change in that activity over the last six months and your current level of paid dance work (maximum 100 words)
  • Describe your dire financial emergency as clearly and thoroughly as possible (maximum 200 words)
    • What is your urgent and critical need for financial support?
    • What circumstances led to your current financial emergency?
  • Describe one step you will take towards stability, if you receive the grant. (Maximum 150 words)
  • List the expenses for which you are requesting this grant. For recurring expenses, you may request up to three months of funding within the eligible time period.
  • Certify that the information in the application is true
  • Upload a current resume/bio/CV which demonstrates recent and sustained activity as a professional dancer in live, public-facing performances since at least 2019:
    • List your engagements as a paid, live dance performer for at least the last five years, in any stage/performance style, including aerial, ballet, hip-hop, jazz, modern, tap and traditional/folk. List the production/event name, your role/position, the year, and the location (venue if any, city and state). If you perform your own work live, your resume needs to clearly indicate that you were BOTH the choreographer and dancer.
    • Your resume may list all of your performance work (for instance, ticketed stage performances, free street festivals and music videos), but you should specifically list/highlight/notate your live, public-facing performances since 2019, at least one paid engagement annually. Inactivity, or online/streaming activity, during COVID (2020-21), and during the last six months, is allowable.
    • Performances in educational/academic settings, social dance, competitive settings, clubs and other commercial settings, exotic dance, commercials, and industrials cannot be considered in this history of performing. Self-produced online presentation, and/or performances shared solely through personal websites, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook or other online platforms are not eligible.
    • We do not accept work samples or URLs/links.
  • Upload your two most recent federal tax returns; please redact your Social Security Number.
  • Certify that the information in the application is true


Due to the large number of qualified applications and the limited amount of funds, NYFA uses a two-step award process.

1. Applications are checked by NYFA Grants Staff for eligibility and completeness. Eligible and complete applications will be then reviewed by an outside panel and assessed using the following criterion: Economic Urgency.

2. Following the panel review, the top pool of applications based on scores is placed into a lottery for the final awards.

Please note, available funds are limited to approximately $65,000 in each grant cycle, and the demand for emergency funding is high. Applying for a grant does not guarantee receiving one.


We take the privacy of applicants and recipients seriously. The names of recipients of emergency grants are not published on our website or in our 990 or other financial documents. All reviewers sign confidentiality agreements, and financial information such as tax returns is kept confidential by staff.


Send all questions to [email protected] or 212.366.6900 ext. 239. Inquiries to the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation will be forwarded directly to [email protected].

Image Detail: Robert Rauschenberg, “Untitled [Tudor at piano and Cunningham crouching in front of dance mirror],” 1953, Copyright Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, RRF Registration# 53.P020