Fiscal Sponsorship

We know that fundraising is crucial to making your work. NYFA’s Fiscal Sponsorship program supports artists across all disciplines by providing the tools to help you develop creative projects, build organizations, and craft sustainable careers.


Fiscal sponsorship allows individual artists and emerging arts organizations raise funds using NYFA’s 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Many funders only give their financial support to non-profit organizations, and by having NYFA as a fiscal sponsor you are opening up possibilities to access funding and make your work.


  • The ability to apply to large-scale fundraising opportunities from foundations, government, and corporate funders that are usually restricted to 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations.
  • The ability to offer individual donors a tax deduction for their gifts.  
  • A custom profile on NYFA’s Project Directory and ability to collect online donations.
  • One-on-one fundraising strategy sessions with NYFA staff experts, including proposal writing, online giving, and event planning.
  • Financial services, including payroll services, and vendor payments. 
  • A monthly newsletter with program information and upcoming events.
  • Access to NYFA’s wide range of services, resources, and professional development programs.  
  • A reputation for excellence and reliability as one of the oldest programs of its kind in the country.


NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship is evaluating the best ways to serve our community. We are temporarily accepting projects on a limited basis until July 2025.

If you are interested in pursuing NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship, complete the below inquiry form to see if your project is eligible to apply. If you are interested in pursuing NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship for an application to the New York State Council on the Arts FY2025 grants, inquires are due by 9:00 AM ET Friday, May 31 and completed applications are due by 9:00 AM ET Monday, June 3.

A list of additional fiscal sponsors can be found on the Fiscal Sponsor Directory.

Read our Application Guidelines
Read Fiscal Sponsorship FAQs
See who’s working with NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship

Image Credit: (detail) INSITU Site-Specific Dance Festival (Sponsored Project), led by Svea Schneider, INSITU Site-Specific Dance Festival, July 2017, Photo Credit: Javier Gamboa