Career Goals: How to Align Your Job Search with Your Goals
Job hunting can be overwhelming. It’s easy to become discouraged when sending out lots of applications per day. To improve your search, it’s best to focus on only applying for jobs that you are serious about pursuing, and to use the interview process to confirm whether the opportunity is a good fit. The ideal outcome is finding a match for the position you’re looking for, at a company where you can see yourself thriving. We’ve compiled our top tips for achieving this below.
1. Reflect On and Clarify What You Want
Reflect on and clarify what you want by mapping your career goals. Then, develop a feasible game plan for how to achieve them to help you keep your eyes on the prize, even when your current job situation is not ideal. Hint: first list what you DON’T want for your life and career, then take it from there.
2. Research the Mission
So you have your sights set on a specific company, but do you know what their short term and long term goals are? Do your research to learn about their company-wide goals and over-all mission. A company’s mission can typically be found on their “About” page, then check their social media as well as any mentions in the news and online to see if they follow it. Once you confirm that you agree with their mission, you can move forward intelligently. With this information, you can speak to the company’s goals in your application materials and in the interview.
3. Be Selective When Applying
Not everyone has a dream company that they want to work for. When job hunting, it’s easy to become complacent and start sending your resume to anyone who will look at it. However, it’s important to take a step back and ask yourself, “Do I want to work for them?” Refer back to your career goals to see if the position aligns with your goals. Find a company that also aligns with your values. When you’re enthusiastic about the work and agree with the mission you’ll look forward to going to work.
4. Be Their Biggest Fan
You know the company that you would love to work for. Be their biggest fan! Make it known that you are excited about and loyal to their brand and mission. Sometimes it is their biggest fans who become their employees. If you’ve previously applied without success, but you know that you are the right fit for that company, then try again! Don’t let a previous rejection discourage you from applying for other relevant roles. Many companies, including Google, hire individuals who have applied several times.
5. Ask the Right Questions
If you are asked to interview, prepare questions that can help you determine if the position and company are right for you. Here are a few to get you started: How is the work life balance here? What are the current challenges and opportunities for both the position and the organization? Why is this position open? The more you ask, the better sense you’ll get for whether the role and company align with your goals.
– Mary-kate Grohoski, Sales Manager
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