Upcoming at NYFA

Image: a man with dark hair and eyes looks directly into the camera, smiling slightly. He is shown from his shoulders and above and stands in an urban outdoor setting.

Business of Art | How to Get Published and Find an Agent

NYFA Board Member Saïd Sayrafiezadeh, whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, and Granta, gives time-tested advice to emerging writers. Though writing is a solitary act, the art of getting your work published is not. We recently spoke with NYFA Board Member Saïd Sayrafiezadeh (Fellow in Playwriting/Screenwriting, ’96, ’06; Fiction…

Image: Detail of a large-scale abstract gridded multi-panel blue ink on paper drawing by Derek Lerner.

Online Panel Discussion: Pivoting During the Pandemic

October 23 event is designed for staff and board members at nonprofit organizations who are seeking expertise to bring back to the workplace. Nonprofit organizations are shifting priorities, financial decisions, and strategies in the current climate. Some of them are filing for bankruptcy, others are considering mergers, and many are revising how to best serve their…