
Artist News: February Part II

Resist the February blues and get out to see the work of NYFA affiliated artists! The sun is shining this weekend in New York City, so take advantage of the unseasonably nice weather and have some art adventures! And wherever you are, be sure to share your visit with us on social media by using…

Featuring: NYFA Hall of Fame Honoree Christopher d’Amboise

We’re honoring d’Amboise at our Hall of Fame Benefit on April 4, 2017 His fellow honorees are NYFA affiliated artists Ida Applebroog (Fellow in Graphics ‘86, Painting ‘90) and Lynn Nottage (Fellow in Playwriting/Screenwriting ‘94 & ‘00) and Patron of the Arts Peggy Cooper Cafritz. Stay tuned for more posts spotlighting each honoree, and find out more…

Connect with #ArtistHotline: February 15 Professional Development Day and Guest Chat on Twitter

We’ll be all ears, all day, to your arts career questions, and hope you’ll participate in our afternoon Guest Chat on “Art Fairs, Biennials, Festivals, & Conferences.” Networking: it’s more than a buzz word. So join NYFA and our online community on Wednesday, February 15, 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST for our monthly Artist Professional…

Event Recap: Jim Browne’s “Film Distribution – What are my Options?”

“Although your film may not be admitted to screen at a top festival, it does not necessarily mean that your film won’t succeed.” Freshly from Sundance Film Festival, Jim Browne of Argot Pictures swung by NYFA on January 26, 2017 to host an invaluable presentation and an efficacious Q&A on film distribution for many burgeoning…

Artist News: February Part I

See and support the work of NYFA affiliated artists this February! Stave off those February blues by enjoying art by NYSCA/NYFA Fellows and Fiscally Sponsored projects. From exhibitions to screenings, readings, and performances, these artists are engaging audiences across the U.S. Share your visit with us on social media by using the hashtags #NYSCANYFAFellows and…