
Save the Date: #ArtistHotline March 16

Save the Date: March 16 for the next #ArtistHotline Thank you for joining #ArtistHotline, NYFA’s Artist Professional Development Day this month! We received some fantastic questions and provided online real-time answers all day long. We discussed intriguing topics like: How not to blow your budget while searching and applying for exhibition opportunities in NY and…

IAP Interview: Eva Davidova and Haisi Hu

“I know that being an immigrant definitely changed me. It is not obvious, it’s on the inside.” On a warm night last summer, Immigrant Artists Program (IAP) participants and artists Haisi Hu and Eva Davidova participated in a little impromptu “sidewalk astronomy” during one of their IAP meetings and ended up in a New York…

Participate in #ArtistHotline: Tips to take best advantage of the day

#ArtistHotline is about resource sharing and building your professional network. Send us your art-related questions. Artists, have you come across tweets with the hashtag #ArtistHotline and been unsure on how to join in? Well, to participate, all you have to do is: Follow @nyfacurrent on Twitter. Join the conversation using the hashtag #ArtistHotline on the 3rd…

Mandarin Information Session: Multilingual Doctor’s Hours and NYFA services

Join us Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 点击这里阅读中文活动介绍 New York Foundation for the Arts will host an information session in Mandarin on Tuesday, March 8, presented by Judy Cai, Program Associate, Asian Affairs. The event will provide an introduction of the upcoming multilingual Doctor’s Hours, and an overview of NYFA’s free…