
Conversation with NYFA’s Media Specialist Matthew Seig

“Be generous and respectful to your cast, crew, audience, funders and community.” NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship is one of the oldest and most reputable programs of its kind in the country. It gives individual artists and artist-run organizations increased access to greater funding and enhances their fundraising capabilities. We have chatted to NYFA’s Matthew Seig, media…

Apply Now: NYFA’s Emerging Leaders Boot Camp Program 2016

For arts administrators in the New York City area Being an arts administrator is tough. Diminishing funding, limited grants, board recruitment competition… the struggle is real. But help is on the way: apply now to join us in the new year for the Emerging Leaders Boot Camp Program 2016! NYFA’s Emerging Leaders Boot Camp is a…

Ask Your Fellowships & Fiscal Sponsorship Questions on Twitter during #ArtistHotline

Artists’ Fellowships and Fiscal Sponsorship staff will be on Twitter to talk about upcoming deadlines and how to build your best application. Deadlines for NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship and NYFA Artists’ Fellowships are approaching: applications for Fiscal Sponsorship are due December 31 and Artists’ Fellowships applications are due January 28.  Learn how to navigate the application…

NYFA Fellowship Seminar at Gibney Dance on Dec. 16

Calling all choreographers! Learn more about how to apply for NYFA Fellowships Joe Gough, Program Associate, Fellowships, will conduct an Application Seminar at Gibney Dance Studio for NYC based Choreographers. NYFA’s Fellowship Application Seminar at Gibney Dance StudioDate: Wednesday, December 16, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PMLocation: Gibney Dance Studio H, 280 Broadway, New York, NY…

Artists News: Arts during the Holidays

We just got back from a few relaxing days off over Thanksgiving break and now we’re already counting down the days until the next holiday.  Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or nothing at all, the holiday season is always a great occasion to spend time with family and friends at art shows, theater plays…