
Monday Motivation | Ask for Advice While Job Hunting

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week It’s okay to be vulnerable and ask others for advice. This can be both flattering for the person or people being asked, and can also help you build a deeper relationship with them. Do you have your sights set on a particular company? Connect…

Image: Close-up of a woman in profile; she wears a bright pink top and her hair curly with a pearl earring and necklace. She stands in front of a camera with a blurred, water background behind her.

Conversations | Jonathan Silvers on “Tulsa: The Fire and the Forgotten”

Feature-length documentary investigates the Tulsa Race Massacre and will premiere on the anniversary of its centennial. As a journalist and filmmaker, Jonathan Silvers has spent a quarter of a century investigating war crimes and human rights violations around the globe, producing feature documentaries and investigative reports for PBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, BBC, and other broadcasters. In…

A light, airy, cathedral-like structure installed in a tall industrial space.

Monday Motivation | Filter Results Wisely

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week When job hunting, don’t only filter results by selecting specific industries/sectors that you already know you’re interested in. Instead, select all of the industries and then un-select the ones that you do not wish to work in. This could open you up to positions…