Upcoming at NYFA

New Program Announcement: Arts Business Incubator (ABI)

Support for non-profit and for-profit creative start-ups We’re excited to announce a new program for arts for-profit or non-profit businesses in New York City. Through the generous support of the Scherman Foundation’s Katharine S. and Axel G. Rosin Fund, ABI will offer a small cohort of ten New York City-based arts business start-ups three years of custom-tailored, formalized…

Nuevo Museo de Arte Contemporáneo #artsbizinc

A contemporary arts museum in Guatemala As part of a new program announcement for New York City (coming later today!), we’ll be spotlighting successful arts entrepreneurs, such as Nuevo Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (NuMu) in Guatemala.  Founded by Jessica Kairé (IAP ‘13/‘10) and Stefan Benchoam, NuMu is the first and only museum in Guatemala exclusively dedicated to contemporary art. Located…

Katy Rubin, Theatre of the Oppressed NYC #artsbizinc

“Arts entrepreneurship” simply means creating a level playing field We’re launching a new program on Monday for creative for-profits and non-profits in New York City and as part of that, we’re asking artists, arts administrators, and friends of NYFA to talk about arts entrepreneurship.  This is what Katy Rubin (Boot Camp ‘10), Executive Director of…