Upcoming at NYFA

Monday Motivation | Don’t Go Radio Silent!

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation!Tip of the week Relationships need maintenance, and that is also true for the connections you make on LinkedIn. Save some time in your job search to interact with professionals in your network and make sure they don’t forget about you. Scroll down to like and comment on their…

Business of Art | Protect Your Work from Flooding with These Three Steps

No matter your discipline, it is imperative to protect your records and your work from water damage. A major natural disaster is difficult enough without facing the prospect of losing your artistic work. 2019 has brought extreme flooding to several areas of the country, and will likely bring more as the year progresses. Artists across…

Monday Motivation | Always Look on the Bright Side

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week No one wants to receive a rejection email after an interview but if it happens, make sure to turn this upsetting experience into a productive one by asking for feedback. This is a chance to show you’re a mature professional who is willing to…

Business of Art | The Artist as Advocate: Three Savvy Ways to Champion a Cause

With a bit of resolve and tenacity, it is possible to make change. Each year, The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) participates in American for the Arts’ National Arts Action Summit along with over 85 national partner organizations and artists. The event, which includes Arts Advocacy Day, presents a chance to dive deep…

Monday Motivation | Your First Resume

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week We all have to start somewhere. Don’t panic when you begin writing your first resume, even if you feel you have minimal or no work experience. While you might not have been formally employed before, that doesn’t mean you don’t have any useful skills.…