Upcoming at NYFA

Apply Now | Fiscal Sponsorship

Expand your resources and fundraising abilities with NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship. The next no-fee deadline to apply is March 31, 2019. The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) strives to support artists of all disciplines by providing resources that help artists develop creative projects and organizations. Fundraising is critical to making your work, and we…

Monday Motivation | An Accomplished Resume

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week When writing the description of your previous job experiences, don’t stop at just making a bullet point list of your tasks. Tell employers about how you exceeded expectations while tackling them and don’t be afraid to list your accomplishments beyond the scope of your…

Business of Art | 5 Ways to Boost Your Social Media Presence Now

Your audience is out there; help them find you and stay engaged. Marketing is an opportunity to shape the narrative about who you are and what you do. This framing from The Profitable Artist (Allworth Press, 2018) is especially relevant to social media, which allows you to define how you present yourself as an artist…

Apply Now | NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship: Out-of-Cycle Review

Apply by March 1 for expedited access to unique funding opportunities in New York State. Artists and non-profit organizations in New York State, did you know that funding from The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) can give you a leg up on making your artist project a reality? There’s one key step you need…

Monday Motivation | Know Your Worth

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week You’ve probably seen several listings requesting that your “salary expectations” or “desired salary” be stated in your cover letter. If you’re not already sure exactly what you’ll ask for, Google is a great asset. A quick search combining the type of position you’re applying…