Upcoming at NYFA

Conversations | Debi Cornwall’s Book and Exhibition “Welcome to Camp America”

“Who is ‘us’ and who is ‘them?’ Whatever your response to this work, whether outrage or surprise, fear or compassion, that is the start of conversation.” – Debi Cornwall  Embroidered seamlessly together with letters, quotations, and affidavits in Arabic and English, Debi Cornwall’s book (Radius Books, 2017) and exhibition of photographs, Welcome to Camp America,…

Monday Motivation | Know Your Stuff

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week Know the organization you’re applying for, and know them even better if you’re brought in for an interview. Do your research so that you are as knowledgeable about what they do as you are about your own skills and expertise. This week’s highlighted jobs:…

Monday Motivation | A Signature Move

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week Make it easy for employers to contact you by including a clear email signature with your correspondence. Keep the signature brief, at no more than three or four lines of text. Like a business card, you can personalize your signature with eye-catching colors, links…

Business of Art | How to Locate Creative Opportunities Workshops in Spanish Recap

Follow our best practices and strengthen your confidence in accessing the right resources to develop your arts career. Para leer este articulo en Español presione aquí. In the month of May, NYFA hosted two free workshops in Spanish led by Sébastien Sanz de Santamaría, co-founder of Rivet. The events provided step-by-step actions and best practices for…

El Negocio del Arte | Resumen Cómo Solicitar Oportunidades Creativas Taller en Español

Sigue las buenas prácticas y fortalece tu confianza para conseguir oportunidades adecuadas para el desarrollo de tu carrera artística. Click here to read this post in English. En el mes de mayo, NYFA presentó dos talleres gratuitos en español, liderados por Sébastien Sanz de Santamaría, cofundador de Rivet. El evento proporcionó instrucciones paso a paso, así…