Upcoming at NYFA


Tax Services & Financial Advice from NYFA Source Every artist’s favorite time of year – time to dig up those receipts, pull up those spreadsheets, assemble those forms, and get those taxes done. Whether you sold a work of art, received grant money, collected donations through a fiscal sponsor, or ran a crowdfunding campaign, taxes…

End of Year Giving Fundraising Tips

Use this month to raise money or update funders on your progress The month of December is filled with emails, letters and pledge drives in an effort to make one last push for donors to support a cause. But what are smaller non-profit projects to do during such a high volume of competition for donors’…

Spotlight: Solo Exhibition Opportunity with Studio Art Centers International in Florence, Italy

SACI’S ART EXHIBITION AWARD IS OPEN TO ALL ARTISTS, WORLDWIDE. APPLY BY DECEMBER 15. Studio Art Centers International (SACI), an accredited American art school located in Florence, Italy, has opened the SACI International Art Exhibition Award 2015. Artists of any age, both students and professionals, from all over the world are invited to submit their…

Advice for Job Seekers: A Q&A with Camille Schenkkan

Job seeking strategies from a performing arts administrator Looking to launch a career in the arts? We recently sought advice from someone who has done just that – Camille Schenkkan, the Program Manager for Next Generation Initiatives at Center Theatre Group in Los Angeles. She’s also the Managing Director for Circle X Theatre Co., sits…