Upcoming at NYFA

Happening Now: #ArtistHotline is Live on Twitter

Share your questions with #ArtistHotline. NYFA will be on Twitter from 9:30am to 6:30pm fielding questions. Artists, do you questions about building your career? Whether it’s learning how to promote your artwork or applying for grants, we can offer guidance. Share your questions with #ArtistHotline. NYFA, along with a host of art service organizations will…

Artists, Do you have career questions? Join #ArtistHotline

Join #ArtistHotline on Wednesday, October 21, 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM EST #ArtistHotline is designed for artist and creative entrepreneurs. Join us for community-building, knowledge spreading, and lots of encouragement. Do you need to get clarity on your artistic practice or business advice? Want to expand your network and meet fellow artists? Next week, NYFA…

#ArtistHotline September 16 Storify Recap

Our Artist Professional Development Day, #ArtistHotline, returned for the third time on September 16.  Check out a few popular comments & questions from the discussion: For more highlights read our latest #ArtistHotline Storify:  https://storify.com/nyfacurrent/artisthotline-september-16th Again, a big thank you to the artists and art service organizations that joined the discussion. Make sure to follow @nyfacurrent…

Ask #ArtistHotline: Debunking the notion of “Selling-Out”

In preparation for #ArtistHotline tomorrow (September 16), we’re answering @amandaheidelart’s question: Artists often find themselves fighting against two self-defeating labels. ‘Starving Artist’ and ‘Sell-Out’. Artist Robert Genn, once said the term ‘starving artist’ is “acceptable at age 20, suspect at age 40, and problematical at age 60.” After graduation, you may fall into the ‘starving…

Artists, Send Us Your Questions Using the Hashtag: #ArtistHotline

Join #ArtistHotline on Wednesday, September 16, 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM EST. Ask questions & engage with fellow artists. As an artist sometimes you just need a little direction. Maybe assistance with completing your fiscal sponsorship application. Guidance on how to document your artwork. Or help selecting an artist residency program. Whatever your need, having…