Upcoming at NYFA

活動 | 募資工作坊(普通話)

學習了解能提升你募資技能的工具和方法! Click here to read this post in English. 在紐約市議員列文 (Stephen Levin)提供的文化移民計劃資金的支持下,紐約藝術基金會 (NYFA)將在5月24日(週四)晚上6點至8點舉辦中文募資工作坊活動。 NYFA培訓部高級項目官員蔡赟將介紹資金籌措所要了解的一些基本知識,如專項資金申請的調研和寫作,以及財政資助項目的優勢等。華美協進社發展部副主任劉昌漢和Here藝術中心機構募款部經理劉微明將分享他們的專業經驗,提供一些關於如何進行資源整合以及募資策略規劃的實用貼士和工具。 日期:2018年5月24日…

NYFA Coaching | Achieve Your Professional Goals for the New Year

NYFA Coaching is back with new appointment options and new coaches for 2018! In 2017, we developed a new professional development service for artists far and wide: NYFA Coaching. The program offers targeted sessions with specialized NYFA staff that are conducted with an emphasis on personalized feedback, recommendations, and guidance. NYFA has been offering this…

Event | Meet the Funder: New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)

Grant information session with NYSCA on Thursday, January 18 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Each year, the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) accepts grant proposals in support of arts programming and projects across disciplines. Many of these funding programs are open to artists, organizations, and groups operating with a fiscal sponsor.…

Business of Art | Making the Match with Supporters

NYFA’s Madeleine Cutrona shares tips on gaining support for your artist project or organization. Fundraising is certainly key for gaining support for your arts project or organization, but oftentimes it is just one piece of the puzzle. Brainstorming, researching, and understanding individuals, organizations, and institutions whose mission and goals may align with your work can…

Business of Art | The Belated Artist’s Guide to Designing Your Own Earned Income & End-of-Year Fundraising Opportunities

Nine tips and ideas to boost your end-of-year art sales and fundraising activities. Whether you are an independent artist interested in selling work, fundraising for a specific project through a fiscal sponsor, or nurturing relationships with your network, the holiday season is ripe with opportunity. There is plenty of time to boost your end-of-year art…