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Con Edison Immigrant Artist Program Newsletter, Issue No. 62

Special Report: LMCC’s Workspace Program The Con Edison Immigrant Artist Newsletter provides artist opportunities on a monthly basis. From our research, one of the most popular categories is residency programs. Artist and Mentor Liene Bosquê arranged for Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program participants to meet with Will Penrose, Program Manager, Artists Residencies, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC);…

Con Edison Immigrant Artist Program Newsletter, Issue No. 60

Featured Interview with artist Denise Iris Revisiting: “digital immigrant: being a foreigner all over again” Denise Iris is a digital media artist and filmmaker whose videos, installations and photographs celebrate the blur between ordinary life and the world of the imagination. A three-time NYFA Fellow, two-time NYSCA grantee, and MacDowell Fellow, her work has been screened…