Upcoming at NYFA

Artist News: November Part II

Include some art in your Thanksgiving plans!  November is filled with many opportunities to see the work of NYFA Affiliated Artists and projects. Check out the following exhibitions, screenings, readings, and performances, and remember to let us know what you think on Social Media by using the hashtags #NYSCANYFAFellows and #NYFAFiscalSponsorship. Things to do &…

In Support of Artists

Dear Friends, Every change of power brings uncertainty. This presidential election has had divisive rhetoric and policy views concerning healthcare, entitlements for the LGBTQ community, and rights for immigrants, among other social issues. We reaffirm our belief that all people, regardless of gender, skin color, religion, whom you love, political perspective or expression must share…

November 16 #ArtistHotline Guest Chat: “Application Strategies: Grants, Residencies, and Open Calls”

Gain Insight on Arts Applications, from Researching Opportunities to Submitting Grants, Residencies, and Open Calls: artists, writers, and performers know these opportunities are valuable, but how do you find them? How do you evaluate a competition to know whether it’s worth your time and potential application fee? Most importantly, once you’ve decided to go for…

#ArtistHotline: November 16 Artist Professional Development Day

Open to All Arts Career Questions with Special Chat on Application Strategies & Help with NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship Application Join NYFA on Twitter on Wednesday, November 16, 9:30 AM- 5:30 PM EST for our monthly Artist Professional Development Day. Artists, performers, and writers working in all disciplines: you are invited to ask questions about the…

Fund Your Creative Project: Grant Writing for Artists

Gigi Rosenberg, author of “The Artist’s Guide to Grant Writing,” shares advice on December 1 at 6:30 PM The NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship team is happy to host this special opportunity to learn Grant Writing best practices from author and artist coach Gigi Rosenberg. Fund Your Creative Project: Grant Writing for ArtistsDate: Thursday, December 1, 2016,…