Upcoming at NYFA

NYFA Doctor’s Hours en Español, para Artistas Visuales: Miércoles, 7 de diciembre, 18:00hrs–21:00hrs

Continua avanzando en tu carrera, regístrate ahora en una sesión de 30 minutos con un profesional del mundo artístico de habla hispana.  Eres un artista visual en busca de asesoramiento especializado? Esta es una oportunidad fantástica para revisar tu portafolio, crear una estrategia de difusión, o recibir información para desarrollar tu carrera artística. Este evento…

NYFA Doctor’s Hours for Visual Artists in Spanish: Wednesday, December 7, 6:00–9:00 PM

Continue advancing your career and register now for a 30-minute appointment with a Spanish-speaking arts professional.  Para leer este articulo en Español presione aquí. Get practical, professional, and tailored advice from a Spanish-speaking arts professional during New York Foundation for the Arts’ next Doctor’s Hours for Visual Artists in Spanish. This event serves artists working…

Free Workshop: Every Artist Insured!

Join NYFA and The Actors Fund for a Free Workshop on Monday, November 28, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Struggling to make ends meet and unable to afford health insurance? Paying a tax penalty for being uninsured last year? Wondering if you qualify for free insurance, or the $20/mo plan? Wondering what the future holds…

Borderless: In Residence Opening Reception & First Thursday Gallery Walk

Join NYFA’s Opening Reception for Borderless: In Residence on November 3, 2016 NYFA’s upcoming exhibition Borderless: In Residence, curated by David C. Terry, features artists who have participated in NYFA’s national and international residency programs through partnerships with Wayne State University in Detroit, the University of Arts in London, Basil Alkazzi Artist-in-Residence, the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Artist…

Fiscal Sponsorship Grit: Work-In-Progress Highlights

NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship “lends credibility to your project; you’re telling a potential funder you’ve been vetted, and this organization stands behind your work.” – David Licata This fall NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship celebrates our nearly 700 projects by sharing a sneak peek of three current projects in the midst of fundraising and production. Read on to learn…