Upcoming at NYFA

IAP Interview: Daniel Gallant, Executive Director of Nuyorican Poets Cafe

“Performing on our stage is very much a baptism by fire. You quickly find out which parts of your material work and which parts don’t.” Priscilla Son of IAP recently met with Nuyorican Poets Cafe’s Executive Director, Daniel Gallant, to discuss the organization’s 43-year history, its mission and trajectory, as well as performance opportunities available…

Highlights from the September IAP Newsletter #85

Are you currently receiving our free Con Edison Immigrant Artist Program Newsletter? Here are the highlights from this month’s issue:  A featured interview conducted by our intern, Priscilla Son, with Daniel Gallant, Executive Director of Nuyorican Poets Cafe. 18 opportunities and deadlines including Culture Push’s Fellowship for Utopian Practice, a year-long fellowship seeking projects that…

First Thursdays: Folk My Life Performance on October 6

See special performances by NYFA affiliated artists on October 6! Join us at DUMBO’s monthly First Thursday Gallery Walk on October 6 to view the NYFA exhibition, Folk My Life, and for two special performances from Folk/Traditional Arts artists, Annie Ferdous ‘15, and Benjamin Rosen, Finalist ’15.   Folk My Life Performance for DUMBO First…

Fellows at 30 / Fiscal Sponsorship: Andres Serrano

“In answer to your question, how do artists create space for discourse, I’m still trying to figure it out.” Andres Serrano is a 1987 NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellow in Photography and his recently released book, Salvation: The Holy Land, as well the work “Residents of New York,” are both fiscally sponsored by NYFA. Serrano, born in…

Artist News: End of September

Round out the month with a full calendar of art and culture created by NYFA artists around the city and abroad.  Pursue through our bi-monthly listings of exhibitions, screenings, readings, and performances and remember to let us know what you think on Social Media by using the hashtags #NYFAFellows and #NYFAFiscalSponsorship. #ArtSelfies are encouraged! Things…