Upcoming at NYFA

Apply Now | NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship: Out-of-Cycle Review

Apply by March 1 for expedited access to unique funding opportunities in New York State. Artists and non-profit organizations in New York State, did you know that funding from The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) can give you a leg up on making your artist project a reality? There’s one key step you need…

Monday Motivation | Know Your Worth

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week You’ve probably seen several listings requesting that your “salary expectations” or “desired salary” be stated in your cover letter. If you’re not already sure exactly what you’ll ask for, Google is a great asset. A quick search combining the type of position you’re applying…

Announcing | 2019 Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: Newark Participants

Meet the mentees and mentors! Through the support of Ford Foundation, The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to announce the participants in the 2018-19 NYFA Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: Newark presented in collaboration with local partners Newark Arts, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Project for Empty Space, Paul Robeson Galleries, and Index Art…

Creative Careers | Tools for Creative Activism from Curatorial Organizer La Tanya S. Autry

“My real talk: Believe in yourself. You have a right to be there.” – La Tanya S. Autry As a cultural organizer in the visual arts, La Tanya S. Autry focuses on social justice and public memory in her work. In addition to co-creating The Art of Black Dissent, an interactive program that promotes public dialogue…

Conversations | Barbara Campisi’s “A Sound of Light, appearing around the bend” Brings Light and Dance to FiveMyles Gallery

“I hope this participatory exhibition encourages a sense of play, and invites people to see art as something to explore and interact with, and that they take this experience into the world.” Barbara Campisi’s upcoming installation, A Sound Of Light, appearing around the bend, captures elements of light, movement, and space. Viewers will not only…