Upcoming at NYFA

COVID-19 | NYFA Classifieds Announces 50% Discount

Discounted rate to go into effect beginning Monday, August 3. New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) empowers working artists and emerging arts organizations across all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives and professional/organizational development. We aim to be a resource to artists, arts administrators, and students everywhere, especially when so many in…

COVID-19 | NYFA Classifieds Announces Free Listings and Industry Expansion

Initiative meant to encourage job postings from all industries to provide opportunities to artists who have been hard hit by the coronavirus. Referred to as the ultimate career development tool, NYFA Classifieds is the largest national online opportunities board in the arts and culture industry. It’s the go-to site for artists, arts administrators, and museum…


Art councils can offer a wide range of learning opportunities that empower artists to develop their craft and sharpen their business skills. Are you searching for artist opportunities in your community? Art councils are the perfect place to begin your search! If you’re a visual artist, musician, performing artist, or writer, your local arts councils…