Upcoming at NYFA

Meet a NYFA Artist: Honor Molloy

NYFA speaks with Honor Molloy,Two-time Fellow, Playwriting/Screenwriting in 1990 and Nonfiction in 2011. NYFA: Hi Honor, you’ve been collaborating with Susan McKeown on an eight-hour-long audiobook of your novel Smarty Girl – Dublin Savage, how did you two connect? HM: Susan McKeown and I met in the early 90s when we collaborated on New Georges’…

Meet a NYFA Artist: Leila Nadir and Cary Peppermint (EcoArtTech)

Opening reception of ecoarttech’s installation Wild Info Net in the Upper Catskill Mountains NYFA speaks with Leila Nadir and Cary Peppermint, 2009 Digital/Electronic Arts Fellows NYFA: Hi Leila and Cary, please tell us a little bit about yourselves and what you’re currently working on. LN/CP: We are an eco-art/theory collaborative and former New Yorkers now…