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Monday Motivation | Learn How to Say No

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week Interviewing for multiple positions will sometimes lead to multiple job offers. Sounds great, right? Yes, but declining a job offer can be harder than it seems. You don’t want to burn any bridges, so make sure to be graceful but direct when the time…

Monday Motivation | Catalogue those Business Cards

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week We might be living in digital times, but business cards are still a thing and will very likely be exchanged every time you attend a networking event. Tempted to throw them away? Not so fast! Use them as visual cues to note when and…

Monday Motivation | By the Numbers

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week When describing your achievements in your resume, make sure to back them up with quantifiable data wherever possible. Did you improve the number of applicants in a program? Specify the growth percentage. Were you responsible for a record-breaking amount of dollars in grants? Say…

Monday Motivation | Give Yourself a Break!

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week It is a truth universally acknowledged, that looking for a job is a job in itself. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work your job hunt is giving you, make sure to include little breaks and self-care time into the process, similar…

Monday Motivation | Take Advantage of Your School’s Career Services Office

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week As a student looking for your first job or internship, you might think you’re at a disadvantage due to lack of experience. But there’s one resource you have that a more seasoned professional doesn’t: a whole department at your disposal to help you put…