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Monday Motivation | Is It Time to Reassess Your Job Searching Strategy?

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week Sometimes the hard work we put in the job hunt doesn’t bring in the results we’re looking for. What to do, then? First, don’t get discouraged. The job market is constantly changing, and finding a new job is a time-consuming business. It’s normal for…

Monday Motivation | Find the Key Terms

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week How mindful are you of the words you’re choosing to use in your LinkedIn profile? If you want to increase your profile traffic, the right answer to this question is: very mindful! When building your LinkedIn summary and job title, make sure to include…

Monday Motivation | Informational Interviews, What Are They?

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week Google is your friend when looking for information about jobs, organizations, and career paths, but it doesn’t substitute for a good, one-on-one conversation with someone who is active in the field. If you want to learn more about the nuances of your industry, consider…

Monday Motivation | Be a Lifelong Learner

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week Think about how technology has changed your working life already, especially during 2020 alone. It’s likely to change your work even more, and the skills that are required in your current position might become different from the skills you’ll need five, ten, or twenty…

Monday Motivation | Cast a Wide Net

Kick off your week with Monday Motivation! Tip of the week Do you have a close circle of professional contacts with whom you share opportunities and advice? That’s great! However, you should also be sure to network with your outer circle, with people who work in different fields and with different backgrounds. These contacts can…