Upcoming at NYFA

NYFA Source | Recopilación de Recursos por el Huracán Maria

Artistas impactados por el Huracán María: encuentren la ayuda que necesitan. Click here to read this post in English. A raíz de la devastación a gran escala causada por el Huracán María en Puerto Rico, las Islas Vírgenes de EE. UU. y Dominica, los artistas, los trabajadores culturales y sus comunidades han demostrado una notable…

NYFA Source | Hurricane Maria Resources Round-Up

Artists impacted by Hurricane Maria: find the support you need. Para leer este articulo en Español presione aquí. In the wake of large-scale devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Dominica, artists, cultural workers, and their communities have shown remarkable resilience. Spanish artist and Puerto Rico resident Noelia Medina…

Social | November 15 #ArtistHotline Guest Chat: Strategies for Mid-Career Artists

Mid-career artists of all disciplines: join this month’s Guest Chat to learn about new opportunities and approaches to your arts career. The words “emerging,” “mid-career,” and “established” can mean many different things, depending on context. Ultimately, as we discussed in Ask #ArtistHotline: Am I an “Emerging” Artist?, the labels you use to describe yourself are up…

Social | #ArtistHotline: November 15 Artist Professional Development Day

Gain a new vantage point on your arts career with #ArtistHotline this Wednesday. Use the hashtag to tweet with us from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST! In the spirit of the season, what are you thankful for in your arts career? Perhaps you’ve just completed an inspiring and productive residency, received some invaluable advice…

Conversations | Meet an #ArtistHotline Partner: The Flower City Arts Center

“Find your community online – #ArtistHotline is a great place to start!“ – Megan Charland, Flower City Arts Center #ArtistHotline is an initiative dedicated to creating an ongoing online conversation around the professional side of artistic practice. On the third Wednesday of each month, artists, arts professionals, and a wide range of arts service and cultural…