Upcoming at NYFA

Evento | Diálogos de Artistas en Español

El taller del 12 de Junio invita a los artistas de habla hispana a introducirse junto a su trabajo frente a colegas del mundo del arte. Click here to read this post in English. Este taller, presentado por The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), está diseñado para artistas de habla hispana, y tiene…

Event | Doctor’s Hours for Visual and Multidisciplinary Artists

Monday, June 11 event will offer one-on-one sessions with arts professionals. Are you a visual or multidisciplinary artist in need of some career advice? The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to announce an upcoming session of Doctor’s Hours for Visual and Multidisciplinary Artists, a program designed to provide artists with practical and…

Register Now | Artist as Entrepreneur Full Day Boot Camp

Program to be offered on Wednesday, June 13 at NYFA offices in Brooklyn. New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to offer an opportunity for artists to participate in our Artist as Entrepreneur Boot Camp program on Wednesday, June 13 at NYFA offices in Brooklyn.  Established in 2010 and open to artists of…

活動 | 募資工作坊(普通話)

學習了解能提升你募資技能的工具和方法! Click here to read this post in English. 在紐約市議員列文 (Stephen Levin)提供的文化移民計劃資金的支持下,紐約藝術基金會 (NYFA)將在5月24日(週四)晚上6點至8點舉辦中文募資工作坊活動。 NYFA培訓部高級項目官員蔡赟將介紹資金籌措所要了解的一些基本知識,如專項資金申請的調研和寫作,以及財政資助項目的優勢等。華美協進社發展部副主任劉昌漢和Here藝術中心機構募款部經理劉微明將分享他們的專業經驗,提供一些關於如何進行資源整合以及募資策略規劃的實用貼士和工具。 日期:2018年5月24日…

Apply Now | Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: Performing & Literary Arts

The deadline to apply to this competitive, NYC-based program is Monday, May 14. Through the support of The Vilcek Foundation, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to announce our upcoming Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: Performing & Literary Arts. The program runs from June to September 2018. It is be open to performing…