Upcoming at NYFA

Event | Artist Dialogues in Spanish

June 12 workshop encourages Spanish-speaking artists to introduce themselves and their work to their peers. Para leer este articulo en Español presione aquí. This workshop, presented by The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), is designed to help Spanish-speaking artists share upcoming projects, ask for help or collaborators, and introduce themselves and their work…

Evento | Diálogos de Artistas en Español

El taller del 12 de Junio invita a los artistas de habla hispana a introducirse junto a su trabajo frente a colegas del mundo del arte. Click here to read this post in English. Este taller, presentado por The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), está diseñado para artistas de habla hispana, y tiene…

Register Now | Artist as Entrepreneur Full Day Boot Camp

Program to be offered on Wednesday, June 13 at NYFA offices in Brooklyn. New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to offer an opportunity for artists to participate in our Artist as Entrepreneur Boot Camp program on Wednesday, June 13 at NYFA offices in Brooklyn.  Established in 2010 and open to artists of…

Event | Video Preservation & Archiving

Join us on May 17 for a practical overview on video preservation and archiving, presented by video editor Paul Dougherty. Join New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) on Thursday, May 17 for a presentation by video editor Paul Dougherty. Dougherty will provide a practical guide to video preservation and archiving for artists and independent…

Conversations | Making Your Way as an Immigrant Performing Artist

Q&A with Aryo Wicaksono, musician and Membership Manager at Grantmakers in the Arts. Aryo Wicaksono joined us on #ArtistHotline last month to discuss community building and creating a career as an immigrant performing artist, and we’re expanding on our Twitter Q&A here with fresh insights. Wicaksono has performed as a featured soloist and chamber musician…