Upcoming at NYFA

December 21 #ArtistHotline Guest Chat: Crowdfunding Strategies

Get Tips on Building a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign If you’re on social media, you’ve most likely encountered a crowdfunding campaign in your feed. Crowdfunding has become increasingly popular since it started, offering a new way for artists and entrepreneurs to leverage their social networks to fund projects.  But what makes a campaign successful? On some…

#ArtistHotline: December 21 Artist Professional Development Day

Open to All Arts Career Questions, with Special Guest Chat on Crowdfunding & Help with NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship Application Click here to see the conversation Join NYFA on Twitter on Wednesday, December 21, 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST for our monthly Artist Professional Development Day. Artists, performers, and writers in all disciplines, this is…

Empowering Artists Daily

On behalf of the New York Foundation for the Arts’ (NYFA) staff and Board, I thank you for your continued support. With friends like you, we can fulfill our mission to empower artists in all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives.   Our mission is more important than ever as we move into…

Conoce a la Consultora: Carolina Peñafiel

“Yo soy de la idea de circular el arte al principio para que pueda iniciar un historial de ventas, cuanto más venta más altos pueden ir sus precios.” -Carolina Peñafiel Doctor’s Hours en Español están de vuelta! En las oficinas de NYFA tendremos un Doctor’s Hours para Artistas Visuales el miércoles 7 de diciembre de…

Meet a Doctor: Carolina Peñafiel

“I am for the idea of circulating art so you can start a track record of sales, the more you sell the higher your prices can go.” -Carolina Peñafiel Para leer este articulo en Español presione aquí. Doctor’s Hours in Spanish are back! NYFA is hosting Doctor’s Hours for Visual Artists on Wednesday, December 7…