Upcoming at NYFA

Business of Art | Five Tips for Smarter (Not Harder) Fundraising

Follow these steps to make a strong impression on a tight schedule. Say you’ve got a great idea for an art project, and you’re ready to make it happen. Projects of scale will inevitably need to be funded; how you cover the costs will be up to you. The vast world of funding includes: grantwriting,…

Event | Fair Use for Documentary Filmmakers

Documentarian David Van Taylor will present on the topic on Thursday, March 21 at NYFA’s  office in Brooklyn. Fair use is a provision of the Copyright Act that allows certain uses of copyrighted works, such as making and distributing copies of protected material, without permission. Though it’s a very old concept, and was written into…

Business of Art | 5 Ways to Boost Your Social Media Presence Now

Your audience is out there; help them find you and stay engaged. Marketing is an opportunity to shape the narrative about who you are and what you do. This framing from The Profitable Artist (Allworth Press, 2018) is especially relevant to social media, which allows you to define how you present yourself as an artist…

Event | The Artist as Entrepreneur

Day-long professional development event to be held at NYFA on February 12 in collaboration with College Art Association (CAA). College Art Association (CAA) has partnered with The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) to deliver NYFA’s renowned Artist as Entrepreneur program on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, the day before CAA’s 2019 Annual Conference begins.…

Jordan Casteel painting of two individuals looking straight at the viewer, one making a sign with their fingers

Business of Art | The Artist’s Creed: 10 Guiding Principles for Your Arts Career

Make your arts career work for you with this empowering advice from artists. There is no one way to be an artist. Artists use different media, explore a vast range of ideas, and face differing barriers and obstacles. Yet over the years we’ve observed that many artists have one thing in common: tenacity. Below, we’ve…