- Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program
- NYFA/NYSCA Artist Fellowship
- The Profitable Artist Book
Compensation for this fellowship is in the form of housing. You will have sole occupancy of a small, sunny, comfortably furnished studio apartment located on East 30th Street in Manhattan, NYC — close to the MOMA, the Met, and more — with a market rental value of $2800 per month. In exchange you will work 20–25 hours per week on this project, meeting regularly with the fellowship supervisor. This fellowship will run for roughly one year (September through the following August). Viewing the body of original work will require visits to the artist's studio in Cambridge, MA. More details: http://bit.ly/esr-nyc.
We seek a curatorial research fellow to interpret and advance the work of Elaine Spatz-Rabinowitz (b. 1942), an American visual artist whose work pushes the limits of representation and abstraction through innovative use of material in painting, photography, and sculpture. Spatz-Rabinowitz received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2007 for her mixed media work on war and violence and is currently focusing on climate collapse in a series of hybrid works revealing fragmented Arctic landscapes.
The fellow should have a postgraduate degree in art history or curatorial studies (or equivalent professional experience) and a keen sense of the contemporary art world and NYC art venues.. They will research galleries and museums, help to develop a compelling narrative around this body of work, and co-lead projects as appropriate. We welcome applications from retired and/or independent curators as well as younger candidates.
To apply, send a cover letter with CV and references to [email protected] by April 15th, 2025. The cover letter should explain how you would situate this body of work in today’s artistic landscape, with reference to current and archival materials available at espatzrabinowitz.com. The fellowship will begin in Autumn 2025 with an initial commitment of 12 months. Renewal is possible, by mutual agreement