Upcoming at NYFA

Doctor’s Hours for Artists in Mandarin: Monday, March 21, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Registration Open Now for Free Program 点击这里,查阅中文活动介绍 New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to announce the first Mandarin Doctors’ Hours, a program developed to serve Mandarin-speaking visual artists, performing artists, film and video makers, writers, and anyone whose work crosses disciplines. Are you at a crossroads at the beginning, middle or end…

Save the Date: #ArtistHotline March 16

Save the Date: March 16 for the next #ArtistHotline Thank you for joining #ArtistHotline, NYFA’s Artist Professional Development Day this month! We received some fantastic questions and provided online real-time answers all day long. We discussed intriguing topics like: How not to blow your budget while searching and applying for exhibition opportunities in NY and…

IAP Interview: Eva Davidova and Haisi Hu

“I know that being an immigrant definitely changed me. It is not obvious, it’s on the inside.” On a warm night last summer, Immigrant Artists Program (IAP) participants and artists Haisi Hu and Eva Davidova participated in a little impromptu “sidewalk astronomy” during one of their IAP meetings and ended up in a New York…

Participate in #ArtistHotline: Tips to take best advantage of the day

#ArtistHotline is about resource sharing and building your professional network. Send us your art-related questions. Artists, have you come across tweets with the hashtag #ArtistHotline and been unsure on how to join in? Well, to participate, all you have to do is: Follow @nyfacurrent on Twitter. Join the conversation using the hashtag #ArtistHotline on the 3rd…